Simpsonville, Kentucky
862 Metric Tons
2.19 GWh
Louisville Gas & Electric/Kentucky Utilities (LG&E/KU) selected Solar Alliance Southeast to design and build four of its six stages of Solar Share community power serving the greater Louisville, Kentucky area.
Participants are supporting clean energy in Kentucky through the Solar Share program for less than 20 cents per day. LG&E/KU is working to give its residential and commercial customers more options for using renewable energy. Renters may subscribe to the program and others who do not have suitable sites for solar may subscribe, having a stake in this solar energy project without the up-front costs of building solar themselves.
SASE has experience in community solar for multiple utilities in the Southeast. These include two community solar sites in Tennessee, as well as the Kentucky site.
When working on a community solar project, Solar Alliance is able to manage from start to finish, and as early as the development stage when needed. With our in-house electricians, engineers and cost estimators we can design a project, plan for that site development, arrange procurement and obtain proper permits. We can oversee the installation of photovoltaic arrays, as well as the ongoing monitoring and maintenance of the site as it produces renewable energy.