
Precision Part Systems

precision parts solar panels

Winston Salem, NC

Annual Carbon Offset

109 Metric Tons

Annual Energy Produced

230,100 kWh

System Size: 182 kW. Solar power for commercial use can mean locking in the cost of energy for years to come – part of a savvy business plan to save money and energy simultaneously.  Solar Alliance is an engineering, procurement and construction company capable of managing projects like the addition of commercial solar panels for Precision Part Systems in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.

The 182 kW roof mount solar system was the largest rooftop solar project at the time in the City of Winston-Salem. The installation is comprised of seven hundred (700) JAP6 260W Solar PV Modules mounted using Unirac Fixed Tilt Ballasted Roof Racking. The solar power being produced is equivalent to the annual greenhouse gas and CO2 emissions from driving a car 376,103 miles. Precision Part’s system was designed to take advantage of Duke Energy’s net-metering program, and will reap the benefits of their rooftop solar system for decades to come. The design meets all applicable local, state, and federal regulations and included engineering, labor, and materials. In addition to the 2-year workmanship warranty and internet-based granular monitoring provided by Solar Alliance, the module performance and material is covered by manufacturer warranties.

We are seeing increasing demand for renewable technology such as solar panels for manufacturing plants and warehouse solar panels as part of measures to save on electricity and production costs.  Solar Alliance can begin the process for your company with an analysis of current electricity usage and a look at ways to conserve while adding cleaner energy options. Project completed in 2017.